This 11-Year-Old Girl Learns To Dubstep Via Youtube – Her Video Is Just Amazing!



Moms and Dads are always in awe of what their kids and accomplish.  It seams that they no longer need professional lessons to learn their talents in life.  All they need is a smartphone and Internet connection.  Meet “Audacious Adi”!   She learned to ‘Dubstep’ from Youtube and her video has gone completely viral!  Over 5 million views as I write this.  Honestly I didn’t even know what dubstep what till I saw this.  Now me and my girls want to learn!


Adi is only 11 and she considers herself more of a motocross lover and only does dance on ‘the side’.  It’s amazing that she has never had a lesson and learned it all from Youtube.  It’s the younger generation for sure!  This is what little Adi says on her Youtube Channel:

“Hi, I’m Adi! I’m 11 years old and I love dubstep! I have NEVER taken a dance class in my life………I learned from watching (YouTube) videos!! I have been dancing for about 6 months. I am actually a motocross racer but when I’m not on my bike, this is the next best thing! I hope you enjoy my videos. Thanks for watching!”

SHARE this video with your family and friends…especially your KIDS cause they will love it! 🙂

Source: Youtube

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