He Was Bullied Everyday, Then He Started Doing One Simple Thing To Turn It Around…



Bullying has always been a matter of serious concern for parents. When we send our children to school, we expect them to make friends and have a good experience. But when they start getting picked on by bullies, most children don’t tell their parents out of shame; but the anger and frustration eats them up from the inside day by day… until one day it gets too hard to move on. Statistics have shown that in the U.S. about 30% of teenagers have been subjected to bullying.  This video tells you the story of Josh who was just another regular teenager. When he lost his dad, he put up his dad’s pictures in his locker… and that’s when the bullying started… some students ripped down those pictures of his father and started to harass and bully him for missing and loving his father. Josh was spiraling down into the dark abyss of depression. Then one day he started doing something so simple yet so wonderful that everything turned around. Scroll down and watch his amazing journey in the video below…


When Josh decided to start opening doors for his fellow students he never imagined that it’d have such a profound impact on his life and the life of his peers as well. This young boy, once bullied, now became someone who everybody loved and admired. Now the title of the Prom King seems insignificant compared to the place he won in everyone’s heart. He truly is an inspiration.

How did you feel watching this amazing story? Let us know in the comments!

And if this video warmed your heart then don’t forget to SHARE this amazing story with all your friends in Facebook.

Have a wonderful day!


Video Source: YouTube channel of WestJet

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