Does HUD Owe You A Refund? 412 Million In Unclaimed Refunds And Most Families Have No Idea They Are Owed Money.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development website lists thousands of people owed money…most of them have no idea.  It can range from a few hundred bucks to thousands.


10-29-2014 10-32-55 AM

I came across this great news article and video by Bill Gephardt over at the KSL news station over in Utah.  As a mother of 4 kids we could always use a bit of extra money.  Little did I know that HUD is sitting on over 412 Million in unclaimed refunds!  There is even a website I’ll put on the next page where you can go and search to see if you are owed.


Now the one thing that is important to understand as Bill Gephardt says in his report, is that there are unscrupulous companies out there who will call you up or mail you information saying that you are owed money and the only way to get it is by going through them and paying them a percentage.

Not True!  You don’t have to pay anyone to get your money!

Go to the next page  and I will tell you why.

BTW… you should share this with your friends and family cause there is a good chance some of them are owed HUD money!

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