How This Soldier Surprised His Wife At A Hockey Game Left Everyone Speechless!

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You are not bound to protect your country, but a soldier is. He sacrifices his every happiness for the sake of his country. But his family misses him like hell… No family can endure the absence of any of the members. But this is what the family of the brave soldiers has to endure. Sergeant First Class Robert Vandenberg Jr. was deployed in Afghanistan for over a year. He even missed the birth of his youngest son Travis… so when he returned home it was a memorable occasion. But how he surprised his family at the Ducks-Oilers game at Honda Center left everyone speechless! Watch the amazing surprise in the video below…


May be you are speechless as well. You can feel the pain the family endures. The lady waits to talk to his husband every day. His youngest child never met his father before. His elder son asks his mother about his dad’s whereabouts, but his mom can’t answer. Every day passes with anxiety. This is a soldier’s family scenario.

It is not possible to feel every pain until and unless we are in the same boat. But we can respect every individual spending their every moment for the protection of the country .We can pray for them.

No matter what, family will be beside us. It is like the most reliable shelter. Being away from the family is the root cause of loneliness. It weakens you inside. A soldier have to go through the phase of being apart from the family couple of times in his life. When they reunite with their loved ones tears know no bound. We can hope to see our soldiers coming back home safe and every family is happy.

The moment of seeing the family together was worth watching, I felt like crying. What did you feel? Please let us know with your comments!

And don’t forget to SHARE this wonderful video with your friends and family!

Have a wonderful day!


Video Source: Youtube Channel of Anaheim Ducks

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