7 Week Old Baby Hears For The First Time… His Reaction Will Melt Your Heart!



Lachlan, This 7 week old baby boy was diagnosed with having moderate to severe hearing loss in both ears. When he was given the hearing aid, he was getting annoyed… but as soon as the hearing aid was activated his reaction took a dramatic turn! Watch what he does in the video below… it’ll surely melt your heart!


Lachlan’s reaction when he first heard the sound of his parents voice is just PRICELESS! His dad who had uploaded the video on YouTube says,

“When he was 7 weeks old he received his first hearing aids. His reaction when they were turned on was truly amazing. We cried from happiness. Our beautiful little boy is now two years old and doing remarkably well.”

What did you think of this amazing video? Did it make you smile? Let us know in the comments!

And don’t forget to SHARE this with all your friends and family!

Have a lovely day!


Video Source: YouTube

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