Mom Gave The Worst Gift EVER To Her Boy For Christmas… What He Said Afterwards Is Classic!



Christmas is a time to give presents and all children look forward to this day mostly because of all the presents they get from everyone. So, to pull off a prank on the little kids, Jimmy Kimmel asked parents to give the most terrible Christmas present to their children and record the video. This video here is just that, and it’s funny beyond words!

Little Zachary got the worst Christmas present ever from his Mom, and the way he reacted just made my day! Watch what he did in the video below… scroll down…


What did Zachary get for Christmas? A used diaper! I laughed out loud when I saw the little boy’s reaction! He wanted an action figure of Hulk and instead he got something he never even imagined he would get! Luckily he knows his Mom and Dad are just joking around and he will get his hands on his Hulk toy very soon. But I bet this will forever remain in his memories and when he grows older, he will look back and smile remembering these wonderful moments of his life.

Let us know if this video made you laugh! And if you are thinking about pulling off this prank on your kids then do let us know!

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Video Source: YouTube


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