This video accurately captures the emotion of everyone when they hear a baby announcement. It’s one of the happiest moments for the parents when they let everyone know that they are expecting a good news. Family, friends and relatives, all of them become so happy when they find out that they are going to welcome a new member in the family. So the baby announcement is indeed a big deal. But the way these girls react to the news of a new sibling is just too good! Watch the video below…
What the parents did was quite creative! They made two personal cookie cakes for their daughters saying “Big Sister” and “Big Sister…Again”. Did you see their reaction when they opened the box? Just the best reaction EVER!
How did you give your baby announcement? Let us know in the comments! Let’s find out who was the most creative in delivering the good news!
And don’t forget to SHARE the video with all your friends and family; Especially with expecting parents!
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