Dad And His Adorable Little Daughter Got Into An Argument… This Is SO CUTE!



Sometimes little kids can be quite stubborn… but that doesn’t decrease their cuteness the slightest bit! When the dad Gareth Roe asked his 15 month old little girl Lola to get down from the table, she didn’t want to… there starts the cutest dad and daughter argument of all time! I couldn’t help but smile while watching this… You can also watch the cute video below…


That is one cute little girl, isn’t she! Daddy tries to discipline her, but she refuses to follow… hmmm, that doesn’t sound good. But then again, this was probably just a one-time funny moment captured in camera… I sure hope it doesn’t happen on a daily basis! But it was fun to watch nonetheless!

What does your kid do when you ask them to do something? If they don’t listen, what do you do? Let us know in the comments!

And SHARE this cute video with all your friends and family in Facebook!


Video Source: YouTube channel of Gareth Roe

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