What Jennifer Garner Has To Say About Her Baby Bump



When I saw this video, I actually laughed and cried just a bit as I’ve been asked this question before…and it’s been so embarrassing for me…especially when men ask!  I’ve always struggled on what to say when asked if I’m pregnant and really its my extra “Tummy Flub”


When I saw this video, I actually laughed and cried just a bit as I’ve been asked this question before…and it’s been so embarrassing for me…especially when men ask!  I’ve always struggled on what to say when asked if I’m pregnant and really its my extra “Tummy Flub”

Seeing this video…well I just love it.  I love it how Jen says… “…Apparently I have a baby bump…and I’m here to tell you that I do! … I’m not pregnant… and ladies from now on I’ll have a baby bump and it’s not going anywhere!….my bump is named Violet, Sam and Sara!”  (That was the best part!)

So I’ve decided to name my bump  Alex, Jacob, Tina and Anna!


So ladies?  What is your baby bump called?

Please SHARE this story with others and LIKE if you have a baby bump or you relate to Jennifer!

Thank you to EllenTV.com for posting this story!  Visit them for more great Jennifer video clips.

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