This Dad’s Prank Doesn’t Go As He Planned…Mom is NOT happy.



Sometimes Dads just go too far when pulling off a prank.  Famous YouTube Prankster named Roman Atwood learned this lesson when he pulled a prank on his wife using his little boy in a Spider man suit.  What did he do?  Well lets just say…what does Spider Man do?  Swings around right?  Well you may have an idea now of what is about to happen in the video below…


The mom was so scared! Even though it was meant to be a prank, it was not funny at all for a loving mother like her. Sometimes pranksters just go too far and this Dad just proved that!

What did you think?  What would you do if your husband did this to you?

And don’t forget to SHARE the video with all your friends and family!


Video Source—YouTube Channel of RomanAtWood

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