Meet The Transgender Parents Who Conceived Two Sons.



Bianca and Nick Bowser may seem like just any other ordinary parents with two sons, 3 year old Kai and 1 year old Pax. But this interview they gave to ABC News will show you just how extraordinary their parenting journey has been! This is a video with an incredible story that’ll make you think.

32 years old Bianca was born Jason, 27 years old Nick was born Nicole… but they always felt something was wrong… Their bodies and their minds didn’t conform to the society’s definition of gender roles. And they’ve always felt they are all alone until they found each other. The transgender couple decided to start a family. But a question remains, how are they going to explain to their kids who they are? Watch the video below as Bianca and Nick share their story of struggles, sacrifices and triumph with the ABC News crew… scroll down to watch the full video…


When the couple decided to start a family, the problem arised when Nick had to be the one to become pregnant. Sexual reconstruction surgery was very expensive, thus the couple decided to not wait and instead start the family they’ve always dreamt of. While the father Nick was pregnant, it has been really tough for him, as he didn’t go out from the house due to fear of what others might think. Well, we’ve seen fathers getting pregnant on movies all this time, but Nick is the real life proof of this amazing phenomenon. Now living happily with their two naturally conceived sons, Bianca and Nick believes that there will soon be a day when the society will become less stigmatized and people will start to respect transgender people as humans, not just as men or women.

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You can also read a detailed story on the couple’s life from


Video Source: YouTube channel of ABC News

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